Friday, November 12, 2004

This Just In!

Hi Jana:

I think this would be an excellent extension of David's time on task here at the observatory. He continues to push the envelope of his personal boundaries in pursuit of his educational agenda.

We will also be developing a project-based, student driven element for the NSF Informal Science Grant proposal recently began with Oakland Schools. This element is an outgrowth of the Sol Conference which David attended during the month of October. They (students) have been discussing the development of a Sol Leadership Academy based around an International Summer Camp experience that would take place here at the observatory during the summer of 2005.

The FFA will be enjoying its 75th Anniversary this year and we have been discussing the various possibilities this could represent to do something special such as the Virtual FFA which we briefly discussed in our meeting with you and the other OSTC teachers earlier this summer.

Please let me know scheduled dates, times, etc.

Hope all finds you well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thams, Jana []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 2:22 PM
To: ''
Subject: David Oliver

Hi Jim - I had a conversation with David today. It sounds like you and he are working on some type of partnership. He would LOVE to come to the Observatory to gain more knowledge on methods of alternative energy. He also expressed interest in bringing all of this knowledge into his FFA competitions.

He would like to work with you four days a week (Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri) and report to school on Tuesdays. We thought if he could do this schedule until the December holidays, that would work out great for him and move him right into FFA.

Let me know what you think of this arrangement.

Thanks Jim!



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