Monday, October 11, 2004

Fish Game Rules

Hey friends, if you weren't there for the workshop on the first day of the Pre-forum. Here's a rundown of the rules and how to play.
Your table is the ocean.
Your ocean's fish capacity is 16 fish.
And after each turn your fish are replenished by 25%. (So if you had 12 fish left you'd get 3 more fish.)
Now you have 7 rounds to get the most fish and you win.
Depending on however many people are at your table you can be more creative or less so on how you get to the 7th round with the most fish. (3-6 people per table)
Now the first game you must choose a type of fishing technique and stick withit throughout the game, but the second game you can switch.
Fishing types:
1.) Harpoon Fishing: take one fish
2.) Regulated long-line fishing: take two fish
3.) Free-for-all long-line fishing: take three fish

It took my group three games to figure out a regulation.
Bewarned 25% is not alot with lower numbers.
Have fun!!



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